Saturday, July 4, 2009

LaRosa's Pizza

There may be places to eat in Cincinnati that don't suck.  Chances are, those are the places that are empty because sucky Cincinnatians are packing into places that suck to eat sucky food.

Pizza is the measure of a town.  New York City, in a slice, is large and steeped with flavor and tradition.  The kings of NYC pizza got to their throne via hard work, dedication and talent.  Chicago pizza, in a slice, has broad shoulders.  It is hearty and fills the soul.

Cincinnati pizza, in a slice, is wrong on every level.  LaRosa's crust comes in never quite all the way cooked 'pan style', overwrought cardboard without the flavor 'original', or 'hand-tossed' which combines the qualities of the first two with the additional mind picture of a Cincinnatian's grubby mitts handling it.

The sauce is sweet, but much like the Cincinnati attitude, it is a phony kind of sweet.  A sweetness that sticks around for a millisecond before assuming its actual purpose of giving you heartburn.

The toppings are either too greasy, not greasy enough, overcooked or undercooked, depending on what your sucky Cincinnati host orders for the entire sucky office.


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Anonymous said...

Thank you! Someone actually realizes that La'rosas (or however the hell you spell it) sucks. There sauce is just too sweet, the hoagie I got was too greasy (no wonder I was sick after eating that for a week). Everyone else in Cinncinati loves larosas. I just want that company too go bankrupt and shove some pizza up their fans's asses

Anonymous said...

Yes La Rosa's sucks! I have never understood it's appeal. It smells like dirty feet and takes like sh@t!

Anonymous said...

You should try goetta, its the only good thing about this shit hole, its not easy to find the positive in a place like this.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Totally agree on every level, and don't ask any locals for food suggestions.
Always order your non-Cinci food with twice the spice or more, then it will be seasoned close to what it should be.