Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So much to talk about, where should we begin?

The premise of this blog is that Cincinnati, Ohio contains more things that suck than other places in the world.  That premise may change or evolve as we continue our journey.


Anonymous said...

Move back to NYC, ya prick!

Anonymous said...

I really hate Memphis, but I didn't start a blog about it. I have a life.

Dick Bronson said...

Indeed, your life is so grand you scour the internet to leave comments on three year old blog posts. You suck. How are things in Cincinnati? Oh, sucky you say? And why is that? Yes. Because you are there. And you suck.

Anonymous said...

Yet you are the one pouncing on your three year blog posts comments like a raccoon on of moldy bread. Oh, teh interwebs paid attention to you! Lol.

Anonymous said...

If it sucks so bad leave like i did.

Anonymous said...

you realize that your name is "DICK" wonder why you got that name... LEAVE IF YOU HATE CINCINNATI SO MUCH YOU DICK!

Anonymous said...

Love this blog but wonder where it went. I can only assume you moved to a nice place, like, say, Detroit.

Anonymous said...

I live here. I sucks more than I ever could imagine a place sucking. I get it. But I am a bit offended by the fact that you didn't mention all of the other shitty things in this cesspool of ignorance, corruption, alcoholism, and obesity. Jesus, everyone is so fat!

Anonymous said...

IT sucks. But I guess I too suck as a Cincinnatian....sigh.